Credit Weight: 0.5 Description: A study of English grammar (word level and sentence level), an introduction to rhetorical forms (paragraph level and beyond), a discussion of readings, and an introduction to revision, editing, research, and documentation. Offering: 3-0; or 3-0 Notes: Students who have previous credit in English 1500 may not take English 1011 for credit.  English 1011 and English 1031 may be taken in either order.

English 1011 Composition

Credit Weight: 0.5 Description: A study of English grammar (word level and sentence level), an introduction to rhetorical forms (paragraph level and beyond), a discussion of readings, and an introduction to revision, editing, research, and documentation. Offering: 3-0; or 3-0 Notes: Students who have previous credit in English 1500 may not take English 1011 for credit.  English 1011 and English 1031 may be taken in either order.

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