Credit Weight: 0.5 Description: An introduction to principles and practices of literary study, focussing on literature written in English after the mid-Eighteenth century and the cultural contexts in which this literature is produced. Offering: 3-0; or 3-0 Notes: Students who have previous credit in English 1100 or 1102 may not take English 1112 for credit.  English 1111 and English 1112 may be taken in either order.

English 1112 Literature Written in English After 1750

Credit Weight: 0.5 Description: An introduction to principles and practices of literary study, focussing on literature written in English after the mid-Eighteenth century and the cultural contexts in which this literature is produced. Offering: 3-0; or 3-0 Notes: Students who have previous credit in English 1100 or 1102 may not take English 1112 for credit.  English 1111 and English 1112 may be taken in either order.

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