Credit Weight: 0.5 Prerequisite(s): French 1120, 1200 or 1204 with a minimum mark of 60% or permission of the Department Description: An introduction to the principal aspects of French life, culture, art and thought from the origins to the 19th Century. SpecialTopic: Y Offering: 3-0; or 3-0 Notes: Students who have previous credit in French 2420 may not take French 2411 for credit.

French 2411 French Civilization

Credit Weight: 0.5 Prerequisite(s): French 1120, 1200 or 1204 with a minimum mark of 60% or permission of the Department Description: An introduction to the principal aspects of French life, culture, art and thought from the origins to the 19th Century. SpecialTopic: Y Offering: 3-0; or 3-0 Notes: Students who have previous credit in French 2420 may not take French 2411 for credit.

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