Credit Weight: 0.5 Description: The practical aspects of reasoning and logical self-defense against fallacy and flim-flammery. Topics covered include the elements of deductive and inductive reasoning, how to assess claims of proof and evidence, the scientific method and how junk science might be distinguished from the real thing, the statistical and psychological pitfalls that lead reason astray, knowledge by authority and how to distinguish the real experts from the pretenders. Offering: 3-0; or 3-0

Philosophy 1117 Introduction to Thinking

Credit Weight: 0.5 Description: The practical aspects of reasoning and logical self-defense against fallacy and flim-flammery. Topics covered include the elements of deductive and inductive reasoning, how to assess claims of proof and evidence, the scientific method and how junk science might be distinguished from the real thing, the statistical and psychological pitfalls that lead reason astray, knowledge by authority and how to distinguish the real experts from the pretenders. Offering: 3-0; or 3-0

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