Credit Weight: 0.5 Prerequisite(s): Physics 1101 Corequisite(s): Mathematics 2111 Description: An in-depth study of Newtonian particle mechanics that involves extensive use of vector calculus and differential equations. The course begins with a review of vector algebra and the development of vector differentiation. Other topics include Newton’s laws and rectilinear motion under non-uniform acceleration; undamped, damped, and forced harmonic motion; conservation and non-conservative force fields; rotating reference frames; Kepler’s laws and planetary motion; and dynamics of systems of particles, collisions, and rocket motion. Offering: 0-0; 3-0

Physics 2111 Analytical Mechanics

Credit Weight: 0.5 Prerequisite(s): Physics 1101 Corequisite(s): Mathematics 2111 Description: An in-depth study of Newtonian particle mechanics that involves extensive use of vector calculus and differential equations. The course begins with a review of vector algebra and the development of vector differentiation. Other topics include Newton’s laws and rectilinear motion under non-uniform acceleration; undamped, damped, and forced harmonic motion; conservation and non-conservative force fields; rotating reference frames; Kepler’s laws and planetary motion; and dynamics of systems of particles, collisions, and rocket motion. Offering: 0-0; 3-0

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