Credit Weight: 1.0 Description: A study of the social and cultural dimensions of health and illness. Topics may include: the social organization of medicine; social determinants of health status; lay perspectives on health, illness and the body; the experience of illness and health care; and the impact of social change on medical beliefs and practice. Cross-List(s): Gerontology 2509 Offering: 3-0; 3-0 Notes: Students who have previous credit in Sociology 3509/Gerontology 3509 may not take Sociology 2509/Gerontology 2509 for credit.

Sociology 2509 Sociology of Health and Illness

Credit Weight: 1.0 Description: A study of the social and cultural dimensions of health and illness. Topics may include: the social organization of medicine; social determinants of health status; lay perspectives on health, illness and the body; the experience of illness and health care; and the impact of social change on medical beliefs and practice. Cross-List(s): Gerontology 2509 Offering: 3-0; 3-0 Notes: Students who have previous credit in Sociology 3509/Gerontology 3509 may not take Sociology 2509/Gerontology 2509 for credit.

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